Dear Nintendo: Where is Dr. Peach?

One of my friend’s recently started a blog here on WP, A New Game Plus. Consider checking out his newest post, which is an interesting take on the future of a Nintendo classic!

A New Game Plus

I find myself thinking a lot about games I’d like to see made, especially when a new console or technology is released. I don’t mean “I want Nintendo to make another Mario Kart,” because that’s inevitable. I mean the sort of far-fetched, pipe dream type of games that seem unlikely candidates for development – actually, a good example would be a mobile or 3DS/Switch version of the old LucasArts game Pipe Dream, funnily enough. My time with the Nintendo Switch has spurred a flurry of these ideas. Some, like a new Eternal Darkness game, are not unique, especially given the fact that Nintendo recently renewed their trademark on that title. One of these ideas is not likely as popular, though: I want to see a new Dr. Mario game. Actually, I want to see a Dr. Peach game, to be more specific.

princess_peach_made_on_gimp_by_buggzz-d4hftraDr. Mario came out for the NES…

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